How can I cancel or change my order?
For any reason you would like to cancel or change your order, contact our Customer Service Team at [email protected] as soon as possible. We will make every effort to accommodate your request.
You cannot cancel an order once it has entered the shipping process. We will send you an email once it has entered the shipping process.
What are my payment options?
We accept Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express, Paypal is also an option.
Is ordering through ALLIKNOWISGOON.com secure?
Yup. Our site provides a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The SSL encryption is used for every transaction in order to ensure that your order is secure. SSL encrypts the transmissions from our ecommerce servers as well as your computer. SSL encryption works by forming a matched pair with the transmission from your computer transmission and our server, so that only data to and from these sources can be valid.
For any reason you would like to cancel or change your order, contact our Customer Service Team at [email protected] as soon as possible. We will make every effort to accommodate your request.
You cannot cancel an order once it has entered the shipping process. We will send you an email once it has entered the shipping process.
What are my payment options?
We accept Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express, Paypal is also an option.
Is ordering through ALLIKNOWISGOON.com secure?
Yup. Our site provides a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). The SSL encryption is used for every transaction in order to ensure that your order is secure. SSL encrypts the transmissions from our ecommerce servers as well as your computer. SSL encryption works by forming a matched pair with the transmission from your computer transmission and our server, so that only data to and from these sources can be valid.